As we prepare for the winter months, we would like to take this opportunity to say THANK YOU to our fans, sponsors, race teams and officials for a great 2012 season at Flat Rock and Toledo Speedways.  To all parties---you are the best!

It goes without saying that we cannot put on the race shows without your support.  We strive to do our best to provide a clean, safe venue with great entertainment week in and week out. 

So to our fans and sponsors, THANK YOU!

To our race teams and officials-THANK YOU!

Look for the 2013 schedules to be released around the holidays.  Flat Rock Speedway will celebrate its 60th Anniversary season next year, while Toledo will get ready to open for its 53rd consecutive season of auto racing, and, the Silver Anniversary of the Glass City 200.

Hope to see all of you at our annual awards banquet November 9.  Best wishes to everyone to have a safe off-season. 

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