Personal Qualities To Look For In A Physical Therapist.

Clinical qualifications are essential, but the science of physical therapy without the art is meaningless. Finding someone who can make a connection with you in addition to being an experienced therapist is equally important. Developing a personal connection within the first few sessions is ideal, but we know that this is not always the case. If you do not connect with your therapist, it is usually easy to switch to a different person within the clinic or to a new facility.

When you’re beginning treatment with a new therapist, you can ask yourself some potentially eye-opening questions.


Can I have a conversation with this person? If it feels awkward or difficult to carry on a meaningful conversation, then maybe that person is not the right therapist for you. You need to be able to advocate for your goals and speak up when some part of your treatment is not working.

Is this person really listening to me? When you bring up criticism or a desire to adjust your treatment, you need to make sure that your therapist is really taking what you say into consideration and not brushing it off. This ensures that your therapist is continually modifying your treatment program to fit your needs.

Is this person spending one-on-one time with me? A great therapist will spend most of your session working one-on-one with you to make sure you are doing your exercises correctly. If your therapist gives you some exercises to do and leaves you unattended, you will probably not receive the personalized care you need.

Is this person teaching as they treat? A large part of physical therapy is the educational aspect, so you can learn how to take care of your own body without the therapist’s help. A great physical therapist should teach you about your body. If they are not emphasizing a comprehensive treatment approach, including exercises, sleep, and other aspects of overall health, you may not have the proper education needed to improve after your treatment period and maximize long-term improvement.

Are they putting your needs and goals first? During your sessions, a great therapist should be entirely focused on you. No one should matter but you and your treatment goals. Your therapist should serve as a guide to put you on the path to better health.

If you can confidently answer yes to all of these questions and you see results from your treatment, then you have found the right physical therapists in Naxxar. After a few visits, if you answer no to any of these questions, you can talk to the front desk staff when scheduling your next session. They can help you find a new therapist that fits into your schedule.


Finding the right physical therapist for you

It can be a trial-and-error process to find the right therapist, but once you do, you can relax knowing they have your best interest at heart and will help you feel better. Doing research of your own will help you find a therapist with the clinical qualifications you need. If the therapist you start with is not ideal, it is usually easy to switch to someone else within the same clinic - being honest up front is the best way to go. You should always have a choice when it comes to your treatment. Even if the clinic is not in your ideal location, do not let that deter you from pursuing treatment there.

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